Five Short Term Rental Design Staples

It’s been almost four years. The crazy thing is: the things that were staples in my first short term rental design project are the same staples I focus on today. Maybe that’s why things scaled so quickly and easily for me…the framework was simple and the pieces have, literally, fallen into place almost a dozen times. I really do believe in the power of simplicity.

I’m excited to share these STAPLES with you! I hope you find them helpful and that they help you to build something simple and duplicatable, if that’s what you’d like to do. But even if you’re planning to have one short term rental…or even host a room in your house…these timeless basics will be so helpful in your design process! Let’s dive in!

Side Note: I’ll be sharing images from our cabin in Estancia, New Mexico throughout this post. So fun!

{STAPLE ONE: Mattresses}

Ok…I may have inadvertently told a fib, lol! While I have used memory foam mattresses since the very first design project, I have changed the brand of mattress. I used to only purchase a LUCID mattress from Amazon, but have recently fully shifted to the Helix Hospitality Mattress from I’ll never go back! These mattress are SUPER affordable ($375 for a queen, regular price: $1099!), but I have only gotten rave reviews from guests. In fact, once we slept on one ourselves, I placed an order to replace our personal mattress and we’ve never regretted it!

A mattress is one thing you don’t want to skimp on. It will absolutely show up in your reviews and guests will be very vocal about their disappointment.

HOT TIP: There will, unavoidably, be that one guest who absolutely hates your mattress and tells you all about. They’ll be the one out of a hundred and you’ll be a little baffled. A word of caution: Don’t change the mattress because one person doesn’t like it. Thank them for their feedback, be kind and compassionate…but don’t change a thing. As a general rule, I don’t change anything in my spaces unless I’ve heard from the same feedback from three guests in a small window of time. That tells me it really may be an issue and I’ll explore a resolution. Otherwise, I bless and release and move on with my wholehearted hosting life!

{STAPLE TWO: Sturdy Bed Frames}

In my experience, wooden bed frames might be the sturdiest option…but they have to be SOLID wood and good good quality (I have had them break and splinter…not fun). And those can be pricey! If I find a solid wood bed frame at one of my favorite local flea markets, I’m sold. But I often opt for a sturdy metal bed frame from Amazon (see my favorites below), especially when I’m working within a timeframe and don’t necessarily have the time to shop flea markets to find something.


We went with this bed frame in two different colors for the beds in our cabin.

{STAPLE THREE: Coffee Pot or Keurig}

This may seem obvious, but it’s worth mentioning: It’s really important to provide a way to make some coffee.

The question is: Which is better? Coffee Pot or Keurig? I think it depends on the TYPE of stay you’re offering and who your ideal guest is. In our cabin in the woods, we offer a coffee pot. The cabin is about slow mornings and quiet, cozy moments. A way to make a big pot of coffee and the time it takes to brew a pot fits perfectly with the big picture experience we’re providing at our ranch.

However, when I hosted 18 spaces in urban Albuquerque, we only provided Keurigs. People were often on-the-go…eager to get out and sightsee or shop…and a quickly brewed single cup was exactly what they needed!

The big message here: You’ll definitely want to provide a way to brew coffee…and you’ll want to determine who your ideal customer is so you’ll know what kind of brewing option to provide!

HOT TIP: Airbnb has added a FRENCH PRESS option to the amenities list. They’re inexpensive and may be another great option! I’m planning to add one to our cabin…but not in place of our coffee pot…just as another way to slow brew. I think it would also be a great addition to a space with just a Keurig just in case you have a guest that does want a slower pace and has time to enjoy a slow brewed cup of coffee.

ANOTHER HOT TIP: Don’t forget about tea! Every space I’ve ever put together as a STR has been equipped with a tea kettle on the stove and some tea bags. Believe it or not, there are people who don’t love coffee! And we love them…so we want to take good good care of them. Right?  

This is the cute little coffee nook set up with have in our cabin!

{STAPLE FOUR: Luxurious Towels + Linens}

It’s all about the comforts that come with staying somewhere other than home. Fresh, soft and clean towels and linens are EVERYTHING!

I’ve gone with lots of different brands and options over the years. Some of the BEST towels I’ve ever used actually came from Costco and at a great price! They also carry really amazing sheet sets. Side note: I always purchase two sets per bed so I have extras clean and ready for turnovers!

I’ve recently switched over to the Standard Textile line offered by HostGPO. We went with the most basic options and they are wonderful! One thing I really love about the sheets: The bottom hem has blue stitching all the way across so I know which end is the bottom when I’m making the bed. It’s amazing how that has simplified and streamlined the whole cleaning process! And the stitch lines are color coded….so if I had a set of King sheets in the mix, I’d know by the different color of stitching on the flat sheet. So cool.

One of the biggest questions for sheeting and towels: White or non-white? This is an ongoing debate and I don’t think there’s a right or wrong answer here. For a long time, we did all grey on both. It worked great! Grey handled wear and tear better and things were less likely to be totally ruined. We are using all white in our cabin because our brand is focused on luxury…so we take the extra time to keep our sheeting and towels extra white and it’s worth it to us because it’s part of the experience we’re providing.

So in the same way you have to decide what your ideal guests wants in terms of coffee..,you’ll need to do the same with this choice. There’s NOTHING cookie cutter about designing and hosting Short Term Rentals. Nothing.

The stacked, crisp, white towels in the bathroom of our cabin are just perfect.

{STAPLE FIVE: Coasters}

I know. Coasters? On the staples list? Yes. Coasters are on the staples list.

For me, home isn’t home if I can’t sit just about anywhere and sip on a cup of something hot and sweet. In bed, in the living room, at a desk…all the places. Well, maybe not the bathroom…but you never know what makes other people happy!

I litter my spaces with coasters. They’re inexpensive, they invite cozy experiences and they protect my furniture. Win-win-win.


And that’s the list!

I hope this has been helpful…has sparked some creative thinking and that you’re feeling better about making certain all the things that will serve your unique guest well are in place in your short term rental! It’s my joy to share my journey with you in hopes that it will make your path a little smoother and lighter.

If you’d like a comprehensive list of the things I put in all my spaces, you might like to have my Essential STR Checklist. It’s the exact list I use when I’m getting a short term rental guest ready!

Oh, AND…I’ve also put together a guide for the automation tools I use every single day in my own business that keep things moving and allow me to have a life outside of hosting. If that sounds like something you’re needing, scroll down a bit to find the free download!

Until next time, friend.  Happy Wholehearted Hosting!

Are you looking for resources to help you get your AirBnB business started? One thing you’ll need for sure is a reliable checklist so you have all the essentials for your guest!

I’ve got you covered! Download my FREE essentials checklist. This is the exact list I use to make sure all my spaces are ready!


Two Ways to Source Professional Photography for Your Short Term Rental